The logistics business is the most hit of the nearly worldwide lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the novel coronavirus which has disrupted almost all sectors and doing business in Africa. As a result, young Nigerian E-logistics entrepreneur, Obi Ozor, Group CEO and co-founder of E-logistics startup Kobo360 had to go back to the drawing board.
According to...
It took him eight months of trials to make sure that this rechargeable iron could work properly.
In this laboratory, 23-year-old Baraka Safari Elie spends his whole day making these rechargeable irons, the first of its kind in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
They are rechargeable and can conserve energy for up to 3 hours.
Young Safari Elie says he wants to...
By Miracle Nwankwo
The sustainable development goals 3, prioritizes neonatal and maternal health which gives volume to the fact that the lives of women and infants are valuable. On this account, a woman in West Africa chose to sacrifice her time and energy for the safety of mothers and infants at childbirth.
It all began in 2011 when Adepeju Jaiyeoba lost...
By Aditi Maheshwari
The Tourism Business Council of South Africa (TBCSA) has launched a tourism and hospitality industry application, Opus4business.
The new app will aid in the safe reopening of the industry by training business owners on the safe implementation of the Covid-19 tourism safety protocols.
Based on industry designed tourism protocols, South Africa has received the World Travel & Tourism Council’s...
By Miracle Nwankwo
In recent times, Africans are beginning to turn their hearts from seeking employment to making employment. This can be seen in the numbers of business ventures that are emerging in the continent, projecting a future of millions of African-owned brands.
In the spirit of the growing an entrepreneurial community in Africa, the continent is turning into a hub...
The Afripreneur
Africa: Researchers Call for Gender-Friendly Crop Varieties to Aid Food Security
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The global population is rapidly increasing, so there is a need to increase global food production to meet the growing population needs. Although maize is one of the most important and widely cultivated staple crops in sub-Saharan Africa, yields have been significantly low in many countries. However, research has shown that gender has significant impacts on agricultural activities. One...
By Miracle Nwankwo
The death of a woman at childbirth is very grieving to her loved ones who bear the pain of their loss forever. On many occasions, when people hear about a maternal death, they immediately ask the question “what happened?” or “How did she die?” which often ends in an unclear explanation.
Maternal health and mortality is an important...
The Story of Boye Oshinaga: CEO Gradely
If you have never been to Africa or encountered an African, you may be wondering what an African youth looks like. I will advise you not to paint a picture from the bushman story you’ve once heard because this demographic and what they have in their minds will blow you up.
Let me start...
By Miracle Nwankwo
“I realised if I became a doctor, I could treat a few patients. If I focused on how to create models to allow patients access to care, I would have the greatest impact.”
Those were the words of a wise African entrepreneur who decided a long time ago to change the health system in Africa for the better.
The Afripreneur
6 African Startups that engaged in Pay cuts, Layoffs, Furloughs amid COVID-19
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For some African startups, the impact of COVID-19 led to pay cuts, layoffs, and furloughs. However, African businesses are not the only business involved with such operations. For example, the new generation mega billion-dollar startups; Silicon Valley, and three marquee San Francisco tech companies namely; Uber, Airbnb, and Lyft, have, in the last few days, cut thousands of jobs, in...
Ken Giami Notes
Ken Giami Notes
You don’t win a race sitting down; you run, in spite of the odds, to win. Set your eyes on the prize, brace up...