The global population is rapidly increasing, so there is a need to increase global food production to meet the growing population needs. Although maize is one of the most important and widely cultivated staple crops in sub-Saharan Africa, yields have been significantly low in many countries. However, research has shown that gender has significant impacts on agricultural activities. One...
The Story of Boye Oshinaga: CEO Gradely If you have never been to Africa or encountered an African, you may be wondering what an African youth looks like. I will advise you not to paint a picture from the bushman story you’ve once heard because this demographic and what they have in their minds will blow you up.  Let me start...
Nigerian UK-trained medical doctor and founder of Flying Doctors Nigeria, Dr Ola Brown recently developed a special walk-in COVID-19 testing booth that can save many lives and a lot of money too. This mobile testing booth has the potential to cut down on the use of single-use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), which are, anyway, in short supply. With this, the doctor/...
Today, many people are earning way more than what they were earning at their first jobs but can’t seem to grasp why they are even in debt. By Tunde Andrews I wrote an article on the privilege of saving for the average Nigerian, and while reading through some of the comments, I noticed one from Ada who felt the article was incomplete as...
By Miracle Nwankwo The death of a woman at childbirth is very grieving to her loved ones who bear the pain of their loss forever. On many occasions, when people hear about a maternal death, they immediately ask the question “what happened?” or “How did she die?” which often ends in an unclear explanation. Maternal health and mortality is an important...
Before now, the export business was a ‘no go’ area for many entrepreneurs around the world. This was due to the many bureaucracies that were involved and the seemly perception that if a person was into international trade, then the person would either worth at least one million dollars or have top government connections. However, the story has changed. Today...

Ken Giami Notes

Ken Giami Notes

You don’t win a race sitting down; you run, in spite of the odds, to win. Set your eyes on the prize, brace up...

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